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2016 Winner (UK)

2016 World Finalist

HexWorld is a 3D top down adventure game that features an open and interactive world in which the player can explore, help natives, and uncover mysterious dungeons and locations. All of which while enjoying the dynamic environment that HexWorld is built upon. 

When delving into the mysterious land of HexWorld, the player will take control of a character known as “The Tourist”. Much like the player, Hexworld and its unusual features are unknown to the Tourist, allowing them both to experience the magical world in unison. Through their journey puzzling landscapes and dark dungeons are just a small selection of what the Tourist and the player will discover in this immersive world. 

HexWorld is an open environment, filled with dungeons and towns to explore. The terrain itself is made of thousands of interactive tiles, that can dynamically shift their topology, to create obstacles and scenarios. 

The world is created from different types of tiles stacked on top of each other, each tile type can produce unique behaviours and mechanics, in order to create a more interactive and varied world.

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